Quote of the Week

"Wisdom is learning what to overlook"

-William James

Friday, August 5, 2011

Remove the Cross from Ground Zero?

That’s what an atheist group is demanding. They’ve sued to remove the cross from Ground Zero — a symbolic memorial that consists of two intersecting steel beams that survived the Twin Towers’ collapse on 9/11 and was a source of inspiration to rescue workers. The atheists' outrageous claim? The existence of the cross has brought on headaches, indigestion, even mental pain.  If they are true atheist, the symbol wouldn’t affect them since they don’t believe it represents anything. While the New York City mayor said the atheists had a "right to sue," he explained why the inclusion of religious symbols at the 9/11 museum should be allowed.  "A lot of people looked to religion for strength after the attack," said Bloomberg, who is named as one of the defendants in the suit filed by American Atheists.  "My personal opinion is always been you shouldn't tell people what religion to practice or whether to practice a religion but you shouldn't also prevent people from practicing a religion they want in any ways they want." He noted that other religious symbols, not just the WTC cross, would be on display at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. They include a Star of David cut from a piece of steel from the World Trade Center rubble, a Bible fused with a piece of steel found during the recovery effort and a Jewish prayer shawl.  "This influenced people. It gave them strength," said Mayor Bloomberg. "In a museum, you want to show things that impacted people's behavior back then even if you don't think it was right. It's history. Museums are for history and to teach people by example, well this is what people did back then and you are free to make your own decision."  He concluded, "This group of atheists, they're free in our country to not believe and not practice and we should defend their right to do that just as much as we should defend the right of every individual to practice and to believe."  The plaintiffs’ goal is to compel the government to remove the cross from the museum or, in the alternative, compel the government to allow equal space for non-Christian exhibits in the museum, they want equal time.  Well, if they wanted to honor non-Christians at 9/11, they could have gone to ground zero in 2001 and erected a symbol in honor of those non-Christians who lost their life and it would have been part of the historic event that is to be featured in the museum.  My brother David Ginn arrived 3 days after the towers fell and spent almost a year cleaning up daily seeing the tragedy brought upon our country.  He now suffers from a permanent life debilitating disease like many others and those who have died since 9/11 from the toxic waste.  He said “the metal cross gave him and many others comfort during their difficult job, it is a part of our history that should not be discarded”.  Don’t let this radical group wipe out a part of our history.  Let your voice be heard! Visit http://aclj.org/ or call 1-877-989-2255 and add your name to the petition to protect the ground zero cross.  Help us preserve a part of our history.

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